
Bypass hot work permits: pinpoint potential problems in explosive environments without the paperwork

  Teledyne Flir     01-06-2023  

Bypass hot work permits: pinpoint potential problems in explosive environments without the paperwork The world of hazardous manufacturing and production can be complicated enough without adding extra elements to your workload. Hot work permits are often seen as being an essential part of working in hazardous environments - but what if you could inspect without this having to provide copious amounts of paperwork?? A multinational chemical manufacturing company has recently begun to do just that; freeing up time and labor to redeploy throughout its workforce. Typically, inspecting in Zone 2 hazardous environments requires getting a hot work permit signed off by a manager. This can consist of extensive manual paperwork and requires that work ceases for at least one hour prior to inspection. It also requires that all potentially explosive materials (such as combustible dust and gases) are carefully measured and monitored to reduce...

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Fabrikanten drukken de stijgende energierekening met akoestische beeldvorming

  Federico de Lucia, Team Lead van Condition Monitoring Specialists bij Teledyne FLIR     06-02-2023  

Bedrijven worstelen met toenemende kosten en stijgende energierekeningen - zoveel is duidelijk. In het licht van de stijgende kosten en bij gebrek aan zekerheid proberen bedrijven over de hele wereld hun verbruik te verminderen en kosten te besparen waar het mogelijk is. In deze nieuwe (steeds duurdere) realiteit biedt akoestische beeldvorming fabrikanten een cruciale reddingslijn; het helpt energie-intensieve industrieën om het licht aan te houden door de bedrijfskosten te verlagen en de onderhoudskosten te verlagen. U hebt wel eens gehoord van 'geluid zonder verlies'. Akoestische beeldvorming neemt dat letterlijk. Het opsporen van niet eerder ontdekte luchtlekken kan een kostbaar probleem oplossen. Het opsporen van niet eerder ontdekte luchtlekken kan een duur probleem oplossen...

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Take Control of Your Home Energy Bills with a Thermal Imaging Camera


Take Control of Your Home Energy Bills with a Thermal Imaging Camera A recent report by Citizen’s Advice showed that the average UK household loses almost $410 worth of heat a year due to poor insulation. For the most inefficient homes, this “inefficiency penalty” can reach up to $1115. It’s no surprise, then, that many private renters and homeowners feel like they are losing their grip when it comes to controlling and reducing their energy bills. And as the global energy crisis continues to worsen, it’s more important than ever to improve your energy efficiency. But many areas of heat loss within your home are invisible to the naked eye. To find and fix these hidden energy leaks, you need specialised thermal imaging equipment. At Teledyne FLIR, we design and manufacture thermal imaging cameras that reveal the invisible heat loss in your home. Our intelligent...

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FLIR Si124 Application Story: Can air leaks be visualized?


FLIR Si124 Application Story: Can air leaks be visualized? For this application story involving the FLIR Si124 Industrial Acoustic Imaging Camera, we interviewed Mr. Soichi Yagyu, President of Minalco Co., Ltd.; Mr. Yamaguchi, General Manager of Manufacturing; and Mr. Iwade, General Manager of Operations. FLIR: Why were you concerned about air leaks? Mr. Yagyu: Whenever I made regular factory tours, I was concerned about the hissing sounds in the manufacturing sites. We could not identify where the air leaks were occurring, but we could hear the hissing sounds. Our Mie Plant (Iga City, Mie Prefecture) uses many air compressors to generate aluminum powder. Typically, about 20 to 30 percent of electricity costs are air-related at manufacturing plants. But in our case, the rates are about 50 percent. Air leaks directly lead to additional costs, so we were considering countermeasures;...

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Introducing the New FLIR ONE Application for iOS


Introducing the New FLIR ONE Application for iOS The new FLIR ONE Application for iOS introduces a modernized user interface and improved features to help you get the most out of your FLIR ONE. Add multiple spot measurements, hot and cold spots, and notes to images; automatically or manually adjust level and span; choose from 9 different color pallettes; and much more.   

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